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RADIO RUEDA InterPermaCultural, Bilingual, Experimental, Artivist & Human
today01/07/2022 77 5 5
Between 1998 and 2019 Boo Boo Davis used to tour around Europe and most of his music was written and recorded during these tours. The current pandemic put that “tradition’ on hold. But with the help of the internet and mutual friend Chris Brown in St Louis, the guys from ElectroBluesSociety (Netherlands) started to exchange idea’s and demo’s with Boo Boo in East St Louis (USA).
So, despite the fact that they had the Atlantic Ocean between them, they were still able to write and record new music. Covid may be able stop live shows (for a while) but it can not stop the creation of new music.
Several of these tracks have been released as single releases earlier this year, but here is the complete album: Transatlantic Quarantaine Sessions, twelve original tracks plus one remix by Rosé Sunset from France.
Written by • Escrito por: Loreta Neira Ocampo
boo boo david electrobluessociety Transatlantic Quarantaine Sessions
A personal history of music, by year.
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