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RADIO RUEDA InterPermaCultural, Bilingual, Experimental, Artivist & Human
Croatia has become a great destination for travelers from all over, as it offers a wide array of activities as well as cultural events. We know that the country is rich in history and culture, but it is also prepared for major events and spectacles, especially during the warm seasons. Summer festivals in New York are some of the leading events in USA, and if you are looking to have a good time and letting go you should definitely join the crowd!
BEGIN / COMIENZA | 06/02/2023 H 23:00 |
END / FINALIZA | 06/04/2023 H 12:00 |
LOCATION / LUGAR | Vibes Town |
ADDRESS / DIRECCIÓN | 407 W Lillian St |
Link | https://pro.radio |
PHONE / TELÉFONO | +55 555 55 5 55 |
Independent and associative. We are a free radio sustained by the mutual support of its producers and listeners. You can become our patron or collaborate through paypal with a donation or subscription. The opinions expressed in each program are the sole responsibility of those who broadcast them and do not necessarily represent the thoughts of our radio. • Independientes y asociativos. Somos una radio libre sostenida por el apoyo mutuo de sus realizadores y oyentes. Puedes volverte nuestro patron o colaborar a través de paypal con una donación o suscripción. Las opiniones expresadas en cada programa son responsabilidad exclusiva de quienes las transmiten y no representan necesariamente los pensamientos de nuestra radio.