Support Your Radio • Apoya a Tu Radio

During this year we'll face several payments to keep the sound online and active. We count on you! • Durante este año afrontaremos distintos pagos para que la señal siga online y activa. Contamos contigo!

How much would you like to donate? • Cuánto quieres donar?

All donations directly impact our communication project, and help us further our mission. • Todas las donaciones repercuten directamente en nuestro proyecto de comunicación y nos ayudan a impulsar nuestra misión.

Who's giving? • Quién dona?

We’ll never share this information with anyone. • Nunca compartiremos esta información con nadie.

Make your donation quickly and securely with PayPal

How it works: You will be redirected to PayPal to complete your donation with your debit card, credit card, or with your PayPal account. Once complete, you will be redirected back to this site to view your receipt.

Here's what you're about to donate: ♥ Esto es lo que estás a punto de donar:
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Donation Total €20,00

Donation Total: €20,00