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RADIO RUEDA InterPermaCultural, Bilingual, Experimental, Artivist & Human
today08/24/2021 123 3
Fuente: Ánima Prensa
Written by • Escrito por: Loreta Neira Ocampo
3000 anima prensa ARGENTINA dani umpi electronica estreno kobra krei magio single vhs videoclip
18:00 - 19:00
In the postapocalyptic world which used to bloom in green colours only the last shadows of the old world beings remain. They are being exposed and looked at as if they were in a museum of the old times which don’t exist anymore. The world is different, laughter now only exists as a recording on a grainy tape. Even the rainbow which appears after the acidic rain seems faded out, coulourless, with 7 different shades of grey...
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19:00 - 20:00
Programa de radio sobre el Universo Spinetta
20:00 - 21:00
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From the golden era of broadcasting
22:00 - 23:00
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