🇮🇹 Music in the Air
Captain Villa Hangar
Music in the Air is an incredible travel into house, deep house and nu-disco sound selected by Villahangar' s Djs and the best house Djs.
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RADIO RUEDA InterPermaCultural, Bilingual, Experimental, Artivist & Human
Music in the Air is an incredible travel into house, deep house and nu-disco sound selected by Villahangar' s Djs and the best house Djs.
Italian DJ Producer Roberto Sant records as Airbas since 2012, when he gives birth to his project of electronic music in his studio in the North of Italy. After a childhood centered in piano playing, Airbas’ musical culture grew from electronic and techno music during the early 90s, when he bought his first record player and started playing in various stages. Later on, in the first years of 2000, he focused on house projects. His current aim is to produce tracks marked by typical electronic beats mixed up with contemporary ones; sounds therefore extend from electro-pop -also influenced by NU Disco- to Deep and Tech-House ones, more suitable for dance floors. He recently signed with Prison Entertainment, Emotive Sounds, Belove Records, Crumpled Music.
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