🇮🇹 Music in the Air
Captain Villa Hangar
Music in the Air is an incredible travel into house, deep house and nu-disco sound selected by Villahangar' s Djs and the best house Djs.
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RADIO RUEDA InterPermaCultural, Bilingual, Experimental, Artivist & Human
Music in the Air is an incredible travel into house, deep house and nu-disco sound selected by Villahangar' s Djs and the best house Djs.
Filippo Donato his real name , he was born in Sicily, Messina on 1983. At youngest ages of 13 years Philip Knight got a true passion for House music, but just later he came into the disco-world of his city..
In 2004 he moved to Milan , spending now more times and energy on his desired works and production through which he gets an opportunity to enter in Milan’s clubs as a professional DJ.
From the middle of 2006 Fil is interested in experimental sounds and more “techy” of the house music, but his heart is always given to electro-house, so he is abble to mix it and create colourful melodies and great atmosphere.
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