"Super Slovaks", an interview with Zuzana Palovic, Gabriela Bereghazyova and David Keys AVALANCHA
The history of Slovakia is filled with inspiring stories of Super Slovaks. The oldest dates back to the era of Great Moravia and to the reign of the wise king Svätopluk. The book also brings stories of Slovaks living today. One of the heroes of modern Slovakia is Zuzana Čaputová, an environmental activist who became the first female president in the history of the country. In this interview, Cristian Estrella talks with Zuzana Palovic, Gabriela Bereghazyova, and David Keys from Global Slovakia, discovering the stages of the production of this book, as well as many interesting ideas around its content. Slovak artists, scientists, actors, athletes, architects and entrepreneurs.
We listened the music of Panna Cinka interpretated by Kalamajka.
You will find more information about the book and the projects of Global Slovakia here and here.