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Following the 2018 debut album that enchanted the lovers of shoegaze, desert rock and britpop, Vast Asteroid are back with a new single, ‘Champagne Ambassadors’, released through ThinkBabyMusic from Athens (Greece) and available since 26th June 2020.
‘Champagne Ambassadors’ confirms everything good that impressed us in Vast Asteroid debut: an impressive wall of sound, a massive rhythmic section and catchy melodies that sticks in the listener’s head.
Vast Asteroid moves through different genres as shoegaze, space rock, desert rock, art grunge, and britpop and they also gave a name to this unique blend they together give shape to: spacegaze.
The band’s line-up is composed by: The Warlocks bassist Mimi Star, the Slaughter And The Dogs drummer Mark Reback, and singer and guitarist James Poulos.


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