
2 Results • Resultados / Page 1 of 1


Radiatta trae de vuelta el rock industrial con “Alarma”, su single debut

La música y artista visual Nicole Montano Rivera es Radiatta, artista que desde la ciudad de Valdivia (Chile) entregó "Alarma", su primer single en el que exhibe una fresca propuesta de rock industrial, con elementos dueños de una estética oscura, ruda, existencialista y seductora. En menos de cuatro minutos, en "Alarma" se cruzan percusiones electrónicas, guitarras con distorsión pesada, bajos fuertes, experimentos disonantes con sintetizadores y una voz dulce pero muy potente. Esta […]

today08/03/2022 1325

photo by Diana Černáková


The Cultural Studies, and the power of electroprose

Under the idea of "spoken word electronica", this duo is pushing our minds to think about several topics. Murder, discrimination, corruption, press... The Cultural Studies slithered from the underbelly of Brussels, formed by Oskar Pompa and the Stereo Vampire, both immigrants. Oskar grew up under a Communist regime. the Vampire, on the other hand was raised in the land that is, in its very essence, the poster child of Capitalism. […]

today05/24/2021 122 4
