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RADIO RUEDA InterPermaCultural, Bilingual, Experimental, Artivist & Human
Tagua Tagua (BRA) is the project of the composer Felipe Puperi. From tropicalist psychedelia, the principles of ye ye ye, and the influence of figures from Brazilian funk and soul, Tagua Tagua has approached indie from a new perspective, fresh and colorful. An inspired musical journey where we find sinuous melodies and dreamlike timbres in equal parts, creating an always surprising and moving landscape.
With just two EPs [Tombamento Inevitável (2017); Pedaço Vivo (2018)] and a short journey, Tagua Tagua has managed to position itself as an important emerging figure of indie, soul and neo-psychedelia in Brazil. This 2020 the artist will release his next album, Inteiro Metade, via Costa Futuro and the European publisher Schubert Music Publishing.
Music producer Felipe Puperi, who is in charge of the Tagua Tagua project, makes another single available from the album Inteiro Metade (Costa Futuro, 2020).
Mesmo Lugar is the song that opens the album and rescues references to soul music, while singing about the individual’s reunion with himself, a good reflection of these times of social detachment.
The lyric video for the song was directed by João Lauro Fonte, who also directed the video for the song Inteiro Metade, released last June.
Written by • Escrito por: RADIO RUEDA
Revive los mejores programas del ciclo que hicimos durante enero y febrero. RONDA desde Buenos Aires. Un programa de amigos, de música, producido a “cielo abierto” entre barbijos, brebajes y burbujas. Con la participación de Cecilia García, Paula Prati, Leandro Seoane, Manuel Palacios, Hernán Real, Germán Estrella, Federico Sainz, y Cristian Estrella. Una co-producción entre RADIO RUEDA y FM LA TRIBU 88.7
close La biblia y el calefón, pero sin biblia.
23:00 - 00:00
La biblia y el calefón, pero sin biblia.
00:00 - 01:00
01:00 - 01:30
01:30 - 02:00
Alimentando el gusto por la nueva música
02:00 - 02:40
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